Lead comprehensive technical evaluations of real estate assets, including maintenance inspections and risk analyses, to ensure optimal performance and compliance. Our client is a global leader in risk management and compliance services, offering expertise in construction, infrastructure, and industrial projects. Conduct maintenance inspections of technical installations. Perform technical and financial risk analyses for real estate transactions. Provide technical expertise on existing properties. Oversee specific technical aspects during construction projects. Manage projects comprehensively, offering expert guidance. Build and maintain client trust, acting as a consulting expert. Integrate new technologies into daily practices. Work autonomously and collaboratively on assigned projects. Prepare detailed reports, adhering to established deadlines. Degree in engineering or advanced studies in specialized techniques (preferably HVAC or fire safety). Proficient with IT tools for calculations, analysis, and reporting. Team-oriented, proactive, and analytical mindset. Bilin... Engineering, Dutch Language, Property Management, A-Consulting, IT Tools, Proactivity, Calculation, Reporting, Bilingual, Analysis, French language, Acting, New Technologies, Projects, Fire Safety Originele vacature is te vinden op StepStone.be – Maak nu een Jobagent aan op StepStone en vind je droombaan! https://bit.ly/2jPYsZC Vind gelijkaardige jobs, informatie over werkgevers en carrièretips op StepStone.be!
Original job ad is published on StepStone.be - Set up a Jobagent at StepStone now and find your dream job! https://bit.ly/2jPYsZC For similar jobs, information on employers and career tips visit StepStone.be!
La version originale de cette offre d'emploi est disponible sur stepstone.be – Créez maintenant votre Job Agent sur StepStone et trouvez le job de vos rêves ! https://bit.ly/2jPYsZC Trouvez des jobs similaires, des informations sur les employeurs qui recrutent et des conseils de carrière sur stepstone.be!