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Javascript Developer
Studio Hyperdrive
Studio Hyperdrive is looking for a Javascript Developer. As a JavaScript developer, you like to create nice and high-quality digital products, for any existing or future medium. You have a keen eye for good user experience and have a love for all new things concerning JavaScript, html & css. You like to fiddle on the frontend but also know your way around rest-api’s and node.js backends.
In the last few years our team grew to a solid 50 people. We are looking for some medior and/or senior developers to support this growth!
As a JavaScript developer, you like to create nice and high-quality digital products, for any existing or future medium. You have a keen eye for good user experience and have a love for all new things concerning JavaScript, html & css. You like to fiddle on the frontend but also know your way around rest-api’s and node.js backends. Most of all: you’re not afraid to try new and unknown things, based on the knowledge you have.
You’ll get the chance to work on state-of-the-art digital creations for A-brands, including, but not limited to: js-based websites, progressive webapps, webAR and webVR experiences, complex business api’s, JS-based AI and webGL masterpieces. Whatever JavaScript-based challenge you’re looking for, we can provide it!
Everyone in our team gets the opportunities to shape his or her own role, so depending on your experience and professional goals we’ll also throw in some architectural and/or project-direction challenges. Born to guide a team of high-potentials past some complex challenges? We can make that work! Let’s see how we can help each other grow, shall we?
Of course we’re not all about business and work, we believe in the healthy balance! You’ll take part in our many team-events, urban soccer-games, weekends, (lan)-parties and all other goofy/fun/sporty/unholy stuff the team comes up with.
5. Have JavaScript in your core (but not necessarily on your diploma)
6. Will be a valuable member on a team of full-stack developers, destined to create great JavaScript-based products, using all kinds of back- and frontend frameworks (Angular, React, Vue, Node,…)
7. Innovate using technologies such as WebGL, Blockchain & Chatbots, using your broad JavaScript-knowledge.
8. Will Share your knowledge and experience in a way that suits you and your ambitions
9. Enjoy our flexible way of working
10. Will Have a lot of new friends, if you want!
11. Are based in Belgium.
12. Provide you with a tailor-made and very competitive offer
13. Set you up with all the equipment you can possibly need
14. Help you grow, whatever role you’re aiming for
15. Welcome you with open arms
16. Be very nice to you, we promise!
Apply Now +32 (0)493 79 23 22
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