This company moves over 250 orders a day from +730suppliers in EAME to over 72 facilities all over theworld.
Do you hold a bachelor's degree and possess strongcommunication skills with an analytical mindset? Are you proficientin both written and spoken English? If so, you might be the juniorLogistics Planning Analyst we'relooking for!
As part of the Global Parts Supply(GPS) team, your role is crucial in managing suppliercommunications, serving as the essential link between suppliers andcustomers. The company’s mission is to maintain a robust supplychain within the aftermarket sector, preventing shortages thatcould lead to customer back orders. You'll interact daily withsuppliers, holding them accountable for their results—meetingchallenging yet attainable goals to ensure superior servicelevels.
Key responsibilities asa Logistics PlanningAnalyst include:
* Building andmaintaining strong businessrelationships with assignedsuppliers
* Ensuringtimely and qualitydeliveries to the distribution center andmaintaining parts availability for end customers
* Educating and holding suppliers accountable for achievingdemanding business results
* Collaborating effectivelywith process partners such as transportation, procurement, andengineering to achieve shared goals
* Developinga deep understanding of supply chain processes andsystems
Your duties mayinvolve:
* Monitoringschedules to ensure timely andefficient shipments from suppliers
* Evaluating supplierperformance and implementingcorrective actions as needed
* Maintaining clear communication and strong relationshipswith both internal teams and external suppliers
* Analyzing supplierperformance against set standards and addressing anydiscrepancies
* Supporting high-priority backorders with thorough attention and care
Theideal Logistics PlanningAnalyst possesses the followingqualifications:
* Amaster's degree (BusinessAdministration or Business Engineering)
* Excellent written and verbal communication skills inEnglish andDutch and a basic knowlegde ofFrench
* Keenattention to detail with a strong analyticalmindset
* Highly motivated toexcel in a target-driven environment
* Self-driven and dedicated to their role
* Strong communication skills for effective interactionwith peers and external partners
* Exceptionalinterpersonal abilities
As a Junior Logistics PlanningAnalyst, you will thrive in an internationalenvironment with real growth opportunities at a global logisticsleader. This role offers a stable Monday-to-Friday schedule duringthe day shift.
The company provides acompetitive salary around€3313 gross per month,based on experience, along with a range of benefitsincluding:
* Mealvouchers of€8/day
* Transportationreimbursement
* A homeoffice allowance of €60 net/month
* Performance-based bonuses per business unit
* End-of-year bonus
* Pension savings plan
* Hospitalization and outpatient careinsurance
* Additional vacationdays and more
Interested inbecoming a Junior Logistics Planning Analyst? Applynow!