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Data Architect
Building together
Hi there, we’re Arinti – a team of AI enthusiasts from Mechelen and Ghent! We’re convinced that artificial intelligence can and will shift our world, and we’re constantly on the lookout for colleagues to join our mission to make businesses leverage the power of data and machine learning to stay relevant in today’s markets. We partner with Microsoft to deliver outstanding and modern solutions to organisations, enabling them to make their large datasets work for them and upgrade their business processes.
There’s definitely a place for you on our team of data engineers, data scientists and ML Ops engineers, who are all eager to meet you from around the world. That’s right, we’ve got colleagues in Portugal, Ukraine and even Kenya, all waiting to have a chat with you about how your collective passion for well gathered data and meaningful insights!
What working in our team means
As a Data Architect, you’ll team up with 2 other Data Architects with 10+ years of experience and join our 10-headed team of Data Engineers, ranging from a couple of fresh youngsters to experienced data engineer, working in the field for years. They’ll be the team surrounding you on projects with clients or as a consulting team, so you’ll never feel alone in helping clients like Unilever, Roularta or SD Worx create the ideal data platform solution.
Of course, we’ll compensate you with a salary that rewards both your experience and your work, with loads of additional benefits, including a company car. We’ll also create a unique growth plan with and for you, leveraging on-site experience and renowned training- and certification programs, pushing you forward with the rest of the team and rewarding you for success.
Creating impact as a Data Architect
Clients need you to help them design and create data platforms and BI solutions, which you’ll be doing in all sorts of ways:
5. Design the application landscape with Microsoft Azure Cloud components (data platforms, big data, advanced analytics, AI) and empower clients with the possibilities of the platform.
6. Define standards and guidelines for the development to follow, making sure the evolution of the platforms you design look as good as you envisioned them.
7. Solve complex business problems and leverage the full power of cloud data solutions to offer a tailored solution to the client’s needs.
8. Follow-up on development and assist engineers in the team in rolling out the landscape you designed. You can even code something left and right as well, to keep your boots on the ground.
9. Connect business and technical colleagues by using your communication skills to explain technical challenges to non-technical users, and helping engineers understand the value behind business questions.
10. Coach the team and let them grow with you. Share your insights and experience with colleagues and clients and advise them on what to focus on to become better humans, as you yourself always aspire to be.
Easily convince us with some of these qualities
Surely you’re full of good qualities, but bring some of these to the table to immediately blow our minds:
11. A Bachelor or Master diploma in Computer Science, Engineering or experience to match
12. 5 – 8 years of relevant experience on data architecture / data engineering
13. One or several Microsoft Azure Certifications
14. 5+ years of experience in Data Intelligence, and experience with Data Lake, Data Warehouse, Data Factory, DataBricks …
15. Knowledge in BI, Data Warehouse or Data Lake architectures and a solid knowledge on cloud architecture principles
16. Experience in talking both business and that sweet tech talk, able to explain concepts in both languages
17. Actual fluent English speaking capabilities, alongside your mother tongue in Dutch or French
18. Experience in both rallying up stakeholders and colleagues through partnerships and eager to share your entire package of experience with others
19. A passion for data & AI ( mandatory – it’s who we are after all)
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