Professor in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology: Fundamental and Applied Proteomics (28415)
Ghent University is one of the top 100 universities in the Dutch language area, with more than 44,000 students and 15,000 staff members.
Ghent University is one of the most important education and research institutions in the Low Countries. On a daily basis, 15,000 staff members and 50,000 students implement its motto "Dare to Think". Ghent University's mission statement is characterized by qualitative education, internationally renowned research and a pluralistic social responsibility.
The new ZAP member will be embedded in the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. The position focuses largely on research activities, with a current teaching load limited to some 6 ECTS credits per semester. Nevertheless, teaching is an inherent part of a ZAP position and future needs of the faculty in terms of study program(s) may call upon the expertise of the selected staff member. Candidates should demonstrate scientific excellence in both fundamental and applied proteomics based on criteria of scientific quality, as reflected in publications in journals and books with international visibility.
Academic education
You will teach in courses on pharmaceutical biotechnology and immunology, including the fundamentals on mass spectrometry and epigenetics.
Academic research
You conduct research by applying the broad selection of applications that mass spectrometry has to offer in the field of proteomics. Through advanced acquisition technologies and data analysis strategies developed in the field of proteomics, you cover both fundamental and applied research. Research activities are thematically centered around the study of protein biology with a strong emphasis on epigenetics, with applications towards (human) health both in prevention and treatment.
Academic services
The central role of proteins in pharmaceutical research both as drugs and as targets, requires a solid analytical platform for fast and comprehensive screening efforts. Mass spectrometry provides such capability. Therefore, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Ghent University recently established a Proteomics Mass spectrometry Core Facility. Managed by a core facility manager, it offers a full portfolio of applications to its customers, including, but not limited to, cellular discovery proteomics, plasma biomarker discovery, biopharma applications, including quality control of biosimilars, palaeoproteomics and forensic proteomics. As the scientific director of this core facility, you collaborate with the core facility manager to maintain the day-to-day operations and supervise experimental designs as well the robustness of data analysis for all these projects.
* You have already conducted eminent academic research in the given discipline, which is clearly reflected in publications in high-quality academic journals and peer-reviewed books.
* You have hands-on experience with mass spectrometry and in particular with high-resolution devices for performing proteomics research. You can demonstrate this by publications in international peer-reviewed journals.
* You have extensive experience with in-depth and state-of-the-art data analysis and you can easily translate the experimental results into the underlying molecular biology.
* You have the necessary communication skills to manage collaborations and to present the results at international conferences.
* You are capable of initiating, supervising and acquiring the necessary funding for academic research.
* You can translate your experience into Layman’s terms for both teaching and science communication.
* You have proven experience in writing scientific publications as well as grant proposals.
* Recommended are:
o International mobility.
o An international network of colleagues with whom you collaborate.
o Connections with different technology providers and clear understanding of the state-of-the-art in MS technology.
o Positive references for educational capabilities, including teaching, workshops and supervision of masters and/or PhD students.
o Involvement in conference organizations.
You must master the language of instruction in which you will teach a course (Dutch) at CEFR-level C1. You can demonstrate this by means of a language certificate or a diploma obtained from an institution in which that language is the language of instruction. In addition, Article II.270, §1 of the Codex of Higher Education requires that: (i) you must master the Dutch language at least at CEFR-level A2 within two years after the start of the appointment. (ii) you must be able to master the Dutch language at least at CEFR-level of B2 within five years after the start of the appointment.
* Sense of initiative.
* Commitment to academic achievements.
* Future-oriented scientific integrity.
* Positive leadership.
* Didactically skilled.
* Quality-oriented.
* Strong communication and social skills.
* Teamwork oriented.
* An attitude of investing in the collective advancement of the team, department and faculty.
Admission requirements
* You hold a thesis-based PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medical Sciences, Chemistry, Bioengineering Sciences, Biotechnology or Biochemistry; or a diploma or certificate that is recognized as equivalent (article V.20 Codex Higher Education).
You are required to have the recognition no later than on the date of your appointment.
* You have at least two years of postdoctoral experience on 1st of September 2025.
* We offer you a temporary appointment in a (50%) Docent Tenure Track system for a term of five years. If positively evaluated by the University Board, the term of office will be transferred into a permanent appointment as an (50%) associate professor.
* Should you already be a member of the professorial staff or hold an equal post at a university or research institution, you can immediately be appointed as an assistant professor.
The career and evaluation policy for Professorial Staff is based on talent development and growth, prioritizing vision development and strategy - at the personal as well as the group level. At UGent we focus on career support and coaching of the Professorial Staff in the different phases of the career.
Ghent University is committed to properly welcoming new professorial staff members and offering them appropriate guidance. The basic teacher training and courses of 'Dutch' and 'English' for foreign-speaking lecturers are only a few examples of our wide range of training and education opportunities.
Candidates who are newly appointed at Ghent University with an appointment as autonomous academic staff of at least 50% receive a Starting Grant of € 240.000 to contribute towards the personnel, operating and/or equipment costs of establishing a research team.
Ghent University conducts an equal opportunities policy and encourages everyone to apply. Ghent University also strives for a gender balance.
After the final application date, all received applications will be sent to the faculty selection committee assembled for this vacancy. After a pre-selection on the basis of the submitted and assessed as admissible application files, the selection committee may hear the candidates about their vision and planning regarding education, research and services. It is also possible to organize a trial lesson or a presentation on a subject in the relevant field. Afterwards, the committee will rank the suitable candidates and present this ranking to the Faculty Board.
Apply online through the e-recruitment system before the application deadline. Your application must include the following documents:
* In the field ‘Application form’: the professorial staff application form, a written vision (max. 1.5 pages) on academic education, a written long term vision on research and 5-year research plan (together max. 5 pages) both focusing on the above mentioned discipline(s) and fitting into/complementary to the strategic goals of the faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
* In the field ‘Cover letter’: your application letter in pdf format.
* In the field ‘Diploma’: a transcript of your doctoral degree. If you have a foreign diploma in a language other than our national languages (Dutch, French or German) or English, please add a translation in one of the mentioned languages.
* In the field ‘Certificate of equivalence’: only for diplomas awarded outside the European Union: certificate of equivalence ( NARIC ) (if already in your possession).
Ample information can be obtained with the contact mentioned below.
For further information regarding this vacancy, please contact Professor Dieter Deforce (, +32 (0)9 264 80 67).