•YouholdaMScdegreein Management, Economics,Business/CommercialEngineering,orequivalent, with a strong interest and background in organizational studies.
•Youhaveastronginterestinqualitativeresearchmethods and are open to learn quantitative research methods.
•You are eager to collaborate in a truly interdisciplinary way with PhD students and scientists in the fields of management and economics.
•Successfulcandidatesarerequiredtoenter (i)thePhDprogramin business economicsoftheFacultyofEconomicsandBusinessofKULeuven(see https://feb.kuleuven.be/research/PhD/Economics/programme_ec) and (ii) the Doctoral School in Management of UCLouvain (see https://www.uclouvain.be/en/research-institutes/lidam/doctoral-school-in-management.html).
•AsaPhDstudent,youareexpectedtoassistinsomelimitedteachingactivitiesandthesupervisionofalimitednumberofmastertheses within the field of sustainable management at the KU Leuven campus in Brussels.
This doctoral research will address the link between commons and grand challenges. We especially expect the research to contribute to organizational governance and societal impact.
On the KU Leuven side, the PhD candidate will work together with Coline Serres, Professor in Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility. The candidate will be affiliated to the Department of Economics and the research center CEDON (Center of Economics and Corporate Sustainability). CEDON is an interdisciplinary research group focusing on interactions between economics, business, sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Within CEDON about 20 economists, engineers, psychologists and management scientists are collaborating to help companies and society to develop sustainable development and CSR strategies. Planet, People and Profit are the central themes in CEDON activities. A list of recent publications, projects and CVs of our researchers can be found on the department website.On the UCLouvain side, the candidate will work with Anaïs Périlleux, benefitting from a stimulating research environment at UCLouvain that adequately complements the one at KU Leuven. Anaïs Périlleux is Professor of Social Economy at CIRTES and IRES. CIRTES is an interdisciplinary research center, which brings together researchers in sociology, economics, management sciences, and psychology. The field of social enterprises has been one of the main research areas of this center for 25 years, with work on issues of collective action and the commons.
•Thecontractisinitiallyforoneyear,withextensionpossibleforanother3yearsconditionalonpositiveannual evaluations.
•You are expected to seek external funding through grant applications to regional and national funding agencies.
•You will be hired under a joint agreement, meaning that you will graduate from a PhD diploma from both KU Leuven and UCLouvain.
•AsaPhDstudent,youwillreceiveanetstipendofabout€2,650permonthwithfullhealth insurance.
•Weprovideofficespaceatthe KU Leuven campus in Brussels, IT equipment and a budget for attending conferences, as well as a workstation at UCLouvain.
•YouwillbehostedintheresearchdepartmentCEDONoftheFacultyEconomicsandBusinessofKU Leuven and at the CIRTES and IRES research centers at the LIDAM institute of UCLouvain.