Morrison Finance is looking for a Junior/Medior AML Consultant. As Financial Crime Consultant, you will monitor and analyze financial transactions to detect and prevent money laundering activities, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. You will collaborate with internal teams and external stakeholders to investigate suspicious activities and file necessary reports to relevant authorities.
Key responsibilitie
* s: Supporting the firm’s compliance with Risk Management Standards and legal obligations concerning Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terroris
* m.Conducting AML investigations, monitoring AML alerts, analyzing atypical transactions, and following up on investigations and actions when applicabl
* e.Independently analyzing alerts and verifying underlying transaction
* s.Providing ex-ante approval of transactions, and formulating clear requests for information (RFI) if neede
* d.Conducting internal investigations with the first and second lines, and, when necessary, reporting suspicious transactions to the AML Compliance Office
* r.Demonstrating an analytical mindset in daily tasks and sharing best practices with the tea
Language Requireme
* nts:Excellent verbal and written English ski
* lls.Good knowledge of French and/or Dutch is highly prefer
Technical Sk
* ills:Proficiency in KYC/CDD/AML processes and regulatory requirem
* ents.Ability to understand and analyze business processes and their alignment with compliance stand
* ards.Experience with IT applications relevant to AML and financial crime preven
Preferred Qualifica
* tions:Master’s or bachelor’s degree in a relevant field (criminology, finance, business manage
* ment).Minimum of 1 year of experience in KYC/CDD/AML or a related
* Skills:Strong attention to detail while maintaining a big-picture persp
* ective.Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with a diplomatic and customer-oriented ap
* proach.Ability to work independently, prioritize tasks, and solve problems effec
* tively.Proactive, flexible, and open to
* change.Highly organized with a focus on accuracy, precision, and q
* uality.Thrives under pressure and enjoys tackling challenging
* s.
OfferBeing part of a dynamic, energetic, and opportunity-fill
* ed companyGaining valuable professional experience within a fast-growi
* ng companyContinuous learning, with extensive training in both technical and s
* oft skillsA workplace where everyone feels respected, valued, and free to be
* themselvesInspiring and supportive
* colleaguesForward-looking, highly accessible
* leadershipA flexible wor
k schedule