The client is an engineering and project management company specialized in rail technology and large infrastructure projects. The client performs feasibility studies, prepares technical plans and monitors construction works. This work is done through many modern and interconnected IT applications and systems. Azure and O365 are key platforms that the client relies on to achieve its strategic objectives. To accelerate and guarantee the realization of our ambitions.
we are looking for a Sharepoint Solution Architect to deliver high-quality solutions on these platforms.
· Design the overall architecture of SharePoint Online solutions
· Define governance models and best practices.
· Design the taxonomy and structure of information (sites, libraries, metadata).
· Ensure the scalability and performance of SharePoint solutions.
· Design and develop SharePoint solutions based on SPFx, Power Platform and .NET.
· Integrate SharePoint with other systems (Dynamics, ERP, etc.).
· Develop workflows with Power Automate or SharePoint Designer.
· Implement advanced search solutions (Microsoft Search, PnP).
· Define and enforce access and consent management policies.
· Implement regulatory compliance (GDPR, ISO, etc.).
· Ensure data security and manage information rights.
· Document what is needed (technical and functional)
· Support IT and business teams in the adoption of SharePoint solutions.
SPFX React Javascript TypeScript HTML5/CSS3 REST API Node JS PNP JS SharePoint Client Side Object Model (CSOM) SP Webhooks PNP Provisioning Teams Apps Power Apps Power Automate MS Graph Azure Functions / KeyVault PowerShell C#.Net/asp.NET/MVC/Odata
SharePoint 2013 Out Of The Box (search configuration, records management, content type hub, Managed Metadata, UPS,…) SharePoint Add-in (Provider hosted apps – SharePoint hosted apps) SharePoint Migration (Sharegate) SharePoint Designer
De klant is een ingenieurs- en projectmanagementbedrijf gespecialiseerd in spoortechnologie en grote infrastructuurprojecten. De klant voert haalbaarheidsstudies uit, stelt technische plannen op en volgt de bouwwerkzaamheden op. Dit werk wordt gedaan door middel van vele moderne en onderling verbonden IT-applicaties en -systemen.Azure en O365 zijn belangrijke platformen waarop de klant vertrouwt om zijn strategische doelstellingen te bereiken. Om de realisatie van onze ambities te versnellen en te garanderen, zijn we op zoek naar een Sharepoint Solution Architect om hoogwaardige oplossingen op deze platformen te leveren.
· Ontwerp de algehele architectuur van SharePoint Online-oplossingen
· Definiëren van bestuursmodellen en beste gebruikspraktijken.
· Ontwerp de taxonomie en structuur van informatie (sites, bibliotheken, metadata).
· Zorgen voor de schaalbaarheid en prestaties van SharePoint-oplossingen.
· Ontwerp en ontwikkel SharePoint-oplossingen op basis van SPFx, Power Platform en .NET.
· Integreer SharePoint met andere systemen (Dynamics, ERP, enz.).
· Ontwikkel workflows met Power Automate of SharePoint Designer.
· Implementeren van geavanceerde zoekoplossingen (Microsoft Search, PnP).
· Toegangs- en toestemmingsbeheerbeleid definiëren en toepassen.
· Implementeren van naleving van regelgeving (GDPR, ISO, etc.).
· Gegevensbeveiliging verzekeren en informatierechten beheren.
· Documenteren wat nodig is (technisch en functioneel)
· Ondersteuning van IT- en businessteams bij de adoptie van SharePoint-oplossingen.
SPFX React Javascript TypeScript HTML5/CSS3 REST API Node JS PNP JS SharePoint Client Side Object Model (CSOM) SP Webhooks PNP Provisioning Teams Apps Power Apps Power Automate MS Graph Azure Functions / KeyVault PowerShell C#.Net/asp.NET/MVC/Odata
SharePoint 2013 Out Of The Box (search configuration, records management, content type hub,Managed Metadata, UPS,…) SharePoint Add-in (Provider hosted apps – SharePoint hosted apps) SharePoint Migration (Sharegate) SharePoint Designer