A graduate degree in Biology, Biochemistry, Biomedical sciences, Bioinformatics, Bio-Engineering, Biophysics, or equivalent is a must. Experience with C. elegans and/or neurobiology and/or basic computational analyses are profile advantages.Applicants must have a competitive profile to apply for a PhD fellowship with regional and/or international granting agencies (e.g. FWO Flanders: https://www.fwo.be/en/support-programmes/all-calls/phd/phd-fellowship-fundamental-research/).In addition, successful applicants:
1. are autonomous, yet sociable colleagues
2. are creative problem-solvers
3. can clearly communicate their research (results) to other lab members and research partners
4. have excellent research skills and a strong interest in neuro- and behavioral biology, genetics, and molecular biological methods
5. are proficient in English
6. are willing to supervise Bachelor and Master students
7. have basic statistical analysis skills
8. are generally curious and willing to learn
9. have a sense of responsibility and are able to take initiative to improve research
10. work results-oriented, i.e. they have the focus and abilities to work towards publishable units of scientific information
Neuropeptides are small proteins that carry out communication between neurons and are critical for the function of all animal brains. Indeed, drugs such as Ozempic and fentanyl act through human neuropeptide pathways. The diversity and ubiquity of neuropeptides means that neuropeptide signaling is organized in pervasive "wireless" networks connecting neurons that are not wired together with synapses. These networks can be remodeled by food availability and other environmental conditions, but the mechanisms underlying this regulation are not well understood.
We are using the nematode C. elegans, whose nervous system has been completely mapped at the cellular level, to discover how neuropeptide networks are reorganized by feeding and stress. In particular, we are studying neuropeptide pathways in the dauer, a specialized larval stage similar to the infective stage of parasitic worms, which is induced by starvation, crowding and high temperature. We are applying a broad range of approaches, including optogenetics, microfluidics, high-throughput behavioral analysis, as well as classical and molecular genetics. This PhD project aims to combine these research tools to map changes in neuropeptide pathways and determine how specific peptides control dauer-specific behaviors. This work will be relevant both for gaining general insight into the regulation of these important brain signaling molecules, but also may help develop strategies for controlling parasitic nematodes.
Our laboratories research a variety of fundamental questions using invertebrate (model) organisms, mainly the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. This project is situated in a collaborative environment of two teams who share interests in genetic regulation of behavior. Here, the specific focus is on the neurogenetics of nictation; several other lab members work on related topics (see also: https://bio.kuleuven.be/df/lt/ and https://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/groups/wschafer/).We offer a full-time position at the Division of Animal Physiology and Neurobiology in the Biology Department of KU Leuven (Belgium). The position is in the teams of Prof. Temmerman & Schafer, who collaborate on a daily basis with all LeuvenWorms teams (Temmerman-Beets-Schafer-Schoofs). You will work in a stimulating research environment and contribute to the team spirit of our research groups consisting of several postdocs and PhD students.PhD project with a four-year horizon; the initial 1-year contract includes an intended extension. For this, good evaluation upon competitive fellowship applications (excellent ranking or score, irrespective of the actual outcome) is a prerequisite.The salary will be in accordance with the University salary scales for predoctoral researchers.KU Leuven is the top ranked university in Belgium and is among the top ten universities in the EU. It is situated in the beautiful medieval city of Leuven, which is also home to a vibrant international community and thriving economy. For more information on the University of Leuven, visit www.kuleuven.be/english/.Envisaged start to be agreed upon, asap within a reasonable bracket for admin and mobility.