Full time academic position in communication - Faculty of letters, translation and communication studies
As a multicultural university with one third of students and researchers from abroad, international relations is a daily reality for the ULB.
The ULB’s Department of Information and Communication Sciences is recruiting a full-time professor in Communication Studies. Our department offers an interdisciplinary teaching and research environment. It offers courses in marketing, political and multilingual communication, as well as in media, journalism, cinema and theatre studies.
The candidate for this vacancy will contribute to teaching and research in the domain of media and communication studies. He or she conducts research on the practices and discourses of media and communication-related professions. (S)he approaches the identities, values and discourses of these professions from a critical and social scientific perspective.
Candidates should take an interest in organizational and institutional communication. They should have competences and knowledge that can be mobilized in analyses of the socio-economic aspects (e.g. strategic objectives and results), cultural dimensions (e.g. identities, values, discourses) and/or professional communicative practices (e.g. social media management, press relations, public relations) of organizational life.
This vacancy is also open to candidates who take an interest in interpersonal communication and group dynamics, and/or change processes in organizations, related to internal communication. We equally welcome candidates with expertise in public relations and other communication-related professions. Candidates with knowledge in the domains of internal communication, human resources, management, may apply.
Candidates need to be able to demonstrate that they can treat communication-related professional practices from a theoretically informed and critical vantage point, both in their teaching and in their research. They are required to demonstrate an interest in the methodological issues for the study of communication-related professional practices.
He or she can motivate and lead a pedagogical team and is able to coordinate teaching in our mostly francophone Bachelor for Information and Communication Studies and our Master program in Communication.
The research activities of the candidates need to correspond to one or more of the domains mentioned in this vacancy: public relations, digital communication, internal communication, corporate communication, and/or organizational communication.
Candidates need to be able to articulate their research projects with one or more of the research themes of ReSIC (Centre de Recherches en Information et Communication de l’ULB).
Pedagogic and research-related responsibilities:
Candidates need to propose a teaching and research program in the domain of information and communication studies related to the themes and topics mentioned above.
Candidates are expected to coordinate apprenticeships, master theses, and doctoral theses. They will participate in the strengthening of our research team by developing collective projects and applying for external funding.
We invite candidates to explicitly reflect on the type of methodologies and research strategies they would like to deploy in their future research.
A full teaching charge corresponds to 120 hours per year. During the first three years upon recruitment, candidates will be given a reduced charge containing the following three courses:
These courses are to be taught in French. Applicants who do not speak French at the moment of recruitment must be able to teach in French at the end of the third year following their appointment.
Please note that our curriculum is regularly revised and updated. The abovementioned list of courses may be altered in function of the needs of our department.
Upon a successful evaluation after a three-year probation period, candidates will receive a tenured position and will be expected to propose and develop one or two additional courses in function of their expertise, research activities and our departmental pedagogic needs.
Required Qualifications
Candidates should be in possession of a PhD degree in Media and Communication Studies or in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) more broadly.
Candidates should have at least four years of research-related experience (including the PhD) at the moment of recruitment.
Candidates can demonstrate their international mobility with reference to experiences in institutions other than the university where they obtained their PhD.
Candidates can demonstrate in-depth knowledge pertaining to the disciplines and topics mentioned in this vacancy, as testified by their scientific trajectory and publications.
Skills required
* Candidates have experience with higher education and/or university teaching and can demonstrate excellent pedagogic skills.
* Applicants who do not speak French may be granted a period of adaptation, but they must be able to teach in French at the end of the third year following their appointment.
* Mastery of English and any other languages other than French will be taken into account as a positive element in the evaluation process.
For more information, please contact the President of our Department, Prof. David Domingo (Email: dep.sic.ltc@ulb.be).
This template structures your application by including the following elements:
* a 7,000-character report (4 pages) presenting the applicant’s research activities and a research project, including how these will integrate into ULB’s research teams
* a teaching dossier including a 7,000-character report (4 pages) on the applicant's previous teaching activities and a teaching project for the first five years in this position; these must be relevant to the faculty and to the teaching profiles for the programmes to which the applicant is to contribute
* a note on the applicant's international achievements and projects (no more than 4 pages)
* the names and e-mail addresses of five referees (respecting the gender balance) who may be contacted by those in charge of evaluating applications. These referees should not have conflicts of interest because of family or emotional ties.
Incomplete applications or applications that do not use the template provided will not be examined by the selection committee.
The appointment to the academic staff of ULB is made at ”Chargé de Cours” level. As of their appointment, members of academic staff are authorised to use the honorary title of ”Professeur”.
ULB's personnel management policy is geared towards diversity and equal opportunities.
We recruit candidates on the basis of their skills, irrespective of age, gender, sexual orientation, origin, nationality, beliefs, disability, etc.
Would you like to be provided with reasonable accommodation in the selection procedure because of a disability, disorder, or illness? Please contact Marie Botty, the person in charge of diversity aspects for the academic and scientific staff (marie.botty@ulb.be). Be assured of the confidentiality of this information.