Institute for European Law - part-time research associate (20%) - RESHUFFLE PROJECT
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The Institute for European Law engages in advanced research at international level in relation to the law of the European Union, with a particular focus on issues of constitutional and comparative law. The Institute's research covers all fields of EU constitutional law, including judicial protection in the EU, fundamental rights, and EU citizenship, as well as aspects of EU substantive law raising topical constitutional questions, including the economic and monetary union, social law, the internal market, the area of freedom, security and justice. The members of the Institute teach a wide range of courses on EU law: Introductions to EU law for bachelor students in the form of lectures as well as tutorials (in Leuven, Hasselt) and advanced courses on EU law such as EU Constitutional Law, Judicial Protection in the EU and the External Relations of the EU.
Originaly published: March 15, 2024, 7:08 a.m.
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