Vacancy notice – Job title: Secretary to the Director, SG STRAT
18.03.2025 New opportunity
Secretary to the Director, Directorate for Strategic communication and Foresight (SG STRAT)
HQ Contract Agent FGII, EEAS Headquarters job No 431946
The European External Action Service (EEAS) supports the High Representative in the exercise of her mandate to conduct and implement an effective and coherent Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), to represent the EU and to chair the Foreign Affairs Council.
It also supports the High Representative in her capacity as Vice-President of the Commission with regard to her responsibilities within the Commission in the external relations field, including the coordination of other aspects of the EU's external action. The EEAS works in close cooperation with the EU Member States, the General Secretariat of the Council, the services of the Commission and the Secretariat General of the European Parliament.
The Mission of the Directorate for Strategic communication and Foresight (SG.STRAT) is to support the High Representative-Vice President of the European Commission (HRVP) and the European External Action Service (EEAS) in implementing the EU common foreign, security and defence policies, by providing strategic analysis, foresight as well as communication advice and support, including through closing space for Foreign Information Manipulation and building resilience against it.
We enhance the global projection of the EU by shaping and promoting narratives that foster a greater understanding and trust of the EU and its role in the world and by engaging with European and foreign audiences.
We monitor media and public opinions, design proactive and inclusive communication and public diplomacy strategies based on situational awareness. We fight Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI) in order to protect information integrity. We foster a strategic culture in the EEAS to advance the EU’s interests, values and position in the world.
We fulfil our mission by working with all services at EEAS Headquarters, the Spokespersons’ Service, EU Delegations, missions and operations as well as EU Institutions and Member States. We also co-operate closely with partner governments, civil society, media, think tanks, academia and the private sector.
The position of Secretary to the Director of SG STRAT, contract agent FGII as per article 3b of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (hereafter, the “CEOS”).
The vacancy is to be filled in accordance with the conditions stipulated under the CEOS, in particular Article 82 thereof. In case of recruitment, the successful candidate will be offered a contract agent position (Function group II), on the basis of a contract with an initial duration of one year that may be successively renewed up to a maximum duration of six years, subject to the maximum duration of engagement by the EEAS allowed under successive limited duration contracts of different types.
A dynamic, flexible and proactive colleague with good communication and organizational skills with a developed sense of service. The personal assistant to the Director should be able to quickly adapt to new working environment and be a good team-player. The successful candidate should have excellent interpersonal skills and sense of empathy, good writing skills for formal and informal written communications, attention to detail, protocol skills, good computer skills, a sound knowledge of the standard IT applications and administrative procedures. He/she will be entrusted with the following main tasks:
* provide efficient secretarial support;
* carry out various administrative tasks such as diary-keeping, managing the Directorate functional mailbox, filtering telephone calls, filing and ordering supplies, dealing with correspondence;
* support logistical coordination for the directorate;
* document management: registration of incoming and outgoing correspondence, including in Ares;
* supervise the overall mission budget and check missions requests of staff using MIPS application;
* supervise the representation costs budget of the directorate;
* provide human resources management support: track and follow up on personnel issues including requests for leave, telework and flexitime, and absences, on behalf of the Director, including administering leave/mission planning table; support the Directorate for encoding/updating of job descriptions; induction of new assistants.
* organize meetings and events including protocol and logistics/practical arrangements;
* co-ordinate the creation, filing, keeping up to date and retrieval of documents and data in the appropriate files or IT databases;
* support the preparation of briefing files, speeches, etc;
* coordinate and authorize translation requests.
Eligibility criteria
Further to the conditions set out in Article 82 of the CEOS, candidates must:
* have passed a valid EPSO CAST in a valid function group for this post, or be registered in the EPSO Permanent CAST in a valid function group for this post ( ). In the latter case, while the registration will make the candidate eligible for the selection procedure, the recruitment of a candidate on this vacant post will be subject to his/her successfully passing the CAST exam;
* have a level of post-secondary education attested by a diploma or a level of secondary education attested by a diploma giving access to post-secondary education and appropriate professional experience of three year;
* have the capacity to work in the languages of the CFSP and external relations (English and French) necessary for the performance of their duties;
* be a national of one of the Member States of the European Union and enjoy full rights as a citizen.
Selection criteria
Candidates should:
* have experience as a personal assistant to a manager leading big teams
* be able to work both in English and French
* demonstrate ability to communicate and interact both in a formal and informal manner
* demonstrate ability to solve and react rapidly to unforeseen situations
* be well-organised with the ability to deal with files in a timely manner
* have some experience in administrative and budget matters
* Have good computer skills with a sound knowledge of the standard IT applications (MS Office, Ares, SYSPER, MIPS, NEO, E-Brief, etc.)
* experience of working in a team in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environment;
* experience in working with or within other EU institutions;
* experience in working in an EU delegation or Embassy
will be considered as strong assets.
As a matter of policy, applications by individuals who have dual nationality of which one of a non-EU country, will be considered on a case-by-case basis taking account in particular of the functions attributed to the vacant post. The EEAS also examines if there could be a conflict of interest or security risks.
In this context, candidates shall fill in with their application a declaration of potential conflict of interest
The signature of the contract will be subject to prior favourable opinion of the Medical Service.
The requested level of security clearance for this post is: SECRET UE/EU SECRET. A description of the EU classified information levels is available under Article 2 of Annex A of the Decision ADMIN(2023) 18 on the security rules of the EEAS.
The selected candidate should hold, or be in the position to obtain, a valid Personnel Security Clearance (hereafter, the “PSC”) issued by the competent authority of the Member State concerned.
Please note that the necessary procedure for obtaining a PSC can be initiated on request of the employer only, and not by the individual candidate.
The EEAS is committed to an equal opportunities policy for all its employees and applicants for employment. As an employer, the EEAS is committed to promoting gender equality and to preventing discrimination on any grounds. It actively welcomes applications from all qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds and from the broadest possible geographical basis amongst the EU Member States. We aim at a service, which is truly representative of society, where each staff member feels respected, is able to give their best and can develop their full potential.
Candidates with disabilities are invited to contact in order to accommodate any special needs and provide assistance to ensure the possibility to pass the selection procedure in equality of opportunities with other candidates. If a candidate with a disability is selected for a vacant post, the EEAS is committed to providing reasonable accommodation in accordance with Art 1(d)(4) of the Staff Regulations.
Please send your CV and cover letter (with your EPSO CAST number), in English or French, and the attached declaration of potential conflict of interest via email, with reference to the Vacancy Number in the Subject field, to:
Deadline for sending application:01/04/2025at 12.00 noon (CET).
Candidates shall draft their CV using the Europass CV, which can be found at the following internet address:
The selection panel will make a pre-selection on the basis of the qualifications and professional experience described in the CV and motivational letter, and will produce a shortlist of eligible candidates who best meet the selection criteria for the post. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be informed about the outcome of the pre-selection phase.
The candidates who have been preselected will be invited for an interview by a selection panel.
The selection panel may decide, subsequent to the interview, to organise written tests, either for all pre-selected candidates or to the best ranked ones. The content of such written tests will be defined by the selection panel and may include, but not be limited to, multiple choice questions, open questions and/or topics for a short essay.
Pre-selected candidates without a valid CAST shall be invited to sit the CAST exam before or after the interview stage (in accordance with the eligibility criteria set out above).
The panel will then recommend a shortlist of candidates for a final decision by the Authority Authorised to Conclude Contracts of Employment (hereafter, the “AACC”). The AACC may decide to interview the candidates on the final shortlist before taking this decision.
It is recalled that the selection procedure may be terminated at any stage in the interest of the service.
In the interest of the service, after identifying the candidate that best fits the requirements of the post as set out in the vacancy notice, the AACC may also establish a reserve list of candidates. These candidates shall be informed that the reserve list shall remain valid for a period of one year from when it is established and that it may be used to fill the same post or an equivalent post in the EEAS with the same job profile.