職務内容/Main Tasks
パートナーシップは日産の中期計画 “the ARC” を実現するための重要戦略です。既存協力関係及び潜在的な新規パートナーとの協力関係の実現に直接貢献できるポジションです。
1. 商品競争力・ブランド・収益の最大化を目的とした、現行モデル及び、次期型モデルのライフサイクルを通した商品/収益計画立案と経営層への提案
2. プロジェクトの各マイルストーン(プロジェクト契約など)に向けて、開発、生産、購買、商品企画、Marketing/Sales等の関係部署のモチベーションを上げながら、プロジェクトをリードする
3. 国内外企業とのB2Bセールス、交渉、または新規ビジネスの創出、契約締結、課題解決
Partnership is one of the main strategies to realize 'the ARC', Nissan's new mid-term plan. This position is directly contributing to establishing strategic relationships with existing or new potential partners.
1. Proposal of product/profit plan to top management through the lifecycle of existing models and next-generation models with the aim to maximize competitiveness, brand, and profitability.
2. Lead the project by engaging with project stakeholders such as production planning, R&D, purchasing, manufacturing and marketing/sales to make an agreement on appropriate targets toward each milestone of the project.
3. Engage with B2B discussions, business negotiations to close contracts and create new business opportunities with both domestic and overseas partners.
アピールポイント(職務の魅力)/Selling point of this position
1. 企画、開発、生産、販売、アフターサービスまでの自動車産業のフルライフサイクルを経験できます。
2. 各部門のTOPマネジメント、部課長との調整で (1)社内調整能力(2) 経営視点を習得できます。
3. 複数のOEMメーカーとの交流を通じて、(1)業界グローバルトレンドと(2)交渉力 (3)ビジネスセンスを習得できます。
1. Opportunities to experience the full lifecycle of the automotive industry, from planning, development, production, sales and after-sales service.
2. Able to experience top level decision making process by coordinating relevant stakeholders from top management point of view.
3. Expose to the latest trend of the global automotive industry by engaging with many OEMs or key players.
登録資格(経験/資格など)/Skills and Experience Required
1. プロジェクトマネジメント経験
2. 契約締結業務経験
3. 収益管理・事業管理経験
4. 英語での資料作成、及びプレゼンテーション、他社との交渉経験
Experience of 3 years or more in one of the following fields.
1. Project management
2. Contract negotiation
3. Profit control, business management
4. Able to create documents, make presentations and conduct negotiations in English (or in other foreign language)
自動車業界経験:あれば尚可/Experience of the car industry:preferred
TOEIC: 730 with speaking communication skill
3 years of experience in Product planning, Marketing, Sales, Managerial accounting, Business development field.
Experience in research and development of car
General understanding in Legal, Intellectual properties or finance (accounting, tax, etc.)
自動車業界経験:あれば尚可/Experience of the car industry:preferred
TOEIC: Above 800
求める人物像/Please describe successful candidate image (Personality)
Open-minded, resilience, growth mindset to overcome challenges in various business situations.
Flexibility and growth mindset to adapt quickly in changing business environment.