If you recognize yourself in the story below, then you have the profile that fits the project and the research group.
1. I have a master degree in engineering, physics, computer science or mathematics and performed above average in comparison to my peers.
2. I am proficient in written and spoken English.
3. I have a genuine interest in combining sensing techniques, signal processing, machine learning, first principle models and measurement approaches into an innovative toolchain for condition monitoring of gearboxes and I have experience with (at least) some of these topics.
4. I have interest in measurements and set up development
5. I have good programming skills in Matlab and/or in Python.
6. As a PhD researcher of the KU Leuven Mecha(tro)nic System Dynamics (LMSD) division I perform research in a structured and scientifically sound manner. I read technical papers, understand the nuances between different theories and implement and improve methodologies myself.
7. Based on interactions and discussions with my supervisors and the colleagues in my team, I set up and update a plan of approach for the upcoming 1 to 3 months to work towards my research goals. I work with a sufficient degree of independence to follow my plan and achieve the goals. I indicate timely when deviations of the plan are required, if goals cannot be met or if I want to discuss intermediate results or issues.
8. In frequent reporting, varying between weekly to monthly, I show the results that I have obtained and I give a well-founded interpretation of those results. I iterate on my work and my approach based on the feedback of my supervisors which steer the direction of my research.
9. I value being part of a large research group which is well connected to the machine and transportation industry and I am eager to learn how academic research can be linked to industrial innovation roadmaps.
10. During my PhD I want to grow towards following up the project that I am involved in and representing the research group on project meetings or conferences. I see these events as an occasion to disseminate my work to an audience of international experts and research colleagues, and to learn about the larger context of my research and the research project.
Condition monitoring is essential for improving the reliability; efficiency and operational lifetime of rotating machinery. Accurate and early fault detection and diagnosis of bearings and gears can lead to reduction of accidents, protection of personnel, avoidance of environmental pollution and reduction of production loss. Different types of sensors can be used in order to capture information during operation, including vibration sensors; oil sensors, microphones etc. A number of signal processing and machine learning methods have been proposed, but there are still open challenges regarding the oil data interpretation and the correlation of oil conditions with the state of health of the machine.
Therefore the goals of the Flanders Make IRVA project called EVOLINE are (i) to achieve detailed insights/correlations on how chemical oil degradation (oxidation, chain scission) and oil contaminants (wear debris, water, air) affect the oil’s basic properties of interest (viscosity, electrical conductivity, etc.) under typical operating conditions, (ii) to develop a systematic approach to correlate oil degradation trends to detect physical wear damage of gear(boxe)s, and investigate the strength of complementing oil CM with other CM techniques (vibrations, vision), (iii) to create oil sensor uncertainty estimation models to make better decisions on oil replacement, as well as to guide the selection of the best sensor position.
The focus of this PhD track will be on the development of signal processing and machine learning methodologies for condition monitoring of gearboxes using oil monitoring sensors and the combination of such approaches with vibration and vision based methods. The effectiveness of oil monitoring will be evaluated and the enhancement of the diagnostic performance by combining multiple sensors will be considered. The PhD candidate will perform research on advanced sensing techniques, contact measurements during accelerated life tests at dedicated set ups and will contribute in their further extension and improvement.
The proposed research track runs at the KU Leuven Mecha(tro)nic System Dynamics (LMSD) division which currently counts more than 100 researchers and is part of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, a vibrant environment of more than 300 researchers (www.mech.kuleuven.be). Doctoral training is provided in the framework of the Leuven Arenberg Doctoral School (https://set.kuleuven.be/phd). LMSD has a longstanding history and internationally highly recognized expertise in the fields of condition monitoring, numerical modeling, engineering dynamics, automotive engineering, vibro-acoustic analysis, identification and robust optimal control of (non-) linear systems, active control and lightweight structure design and analysis. It is also recognized for its yearly Modal Analysis (ISMA) and Acoustics (ISAAC) courses and for organizing the biennial ISMA Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference (www.isma-isaac.be). The research group has a long track record of combining excellent fundamental academic research with industrially relevant applications, leading to dissemination in both highly ranked academic journals as well as on industrial fora. Furthermore, the group contributes to the Flanders Make@KU Leuven Motion Products University Core Lab of Flanders Make. Flanders Make (https://www.flandersmake.be/en) is the strategic research centre for the manufacturing industry in Flanders, stimulating open innovation through excellent research. The research group's international research flavour is illustrated amongst others by the large portfolio of research projects (https://www.mech.kuleuven.be/en/mod/Projects) which includes regional, national and international funded activities through which the group cooperates with leading mechatronic and machine & vehicle-building companies in Flanders and throughout Europe. More information on the research group can be found on the website: https://www.mech.kuleuven.be/en/research/mod/about and our Linked.In page: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/noise-&-vibration-research-group/. The PhD will be supervised by Prof. Konstantinos Gryllias.
11. A remuneration package competitive with industry standards in Belgium, a country with a high quality of life and excellent health care system.
12. An opportunity to pursue a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, typically a 4 year trajectory, in a stimulating and ambitious research environment.
13. Ample occasions to develop yourself in a scientific and/or an industrial direction. Besides opportunities offered by the research group, further doctoral training for PhD candidates is provided in the framework of the KU Leuven Arenberg Doctoral School (https://set.kuleuven.be/phd), known for its strong focus on both future scientists and scientifically trained professionals who will valorise their doctoral expertise and competences in a non-academic context. More information on the training opportunities can be found on the following link: https://set.kuleuven.be/phd/dopl/whytraining.
14. A stay in a vibrant environment in the hearth of Europe. The university is located in Leuven, a town of approximately 100000 inhabitants, located close to Brussels (25km), and 20 minutes by train from Brussels International Airport. This strategic positioning and the strong presence of the university, international research centers, and industry, lead to a safe town with high quality of life, welcome to non-Dutch speaking people and with ample opportunities for social and sport activities. The mixture of cultures and research fields are some of the ingredients making the university of Leuven the most innovative university in Europe (KU Leuven is the Most Innovative University of Europe – Faculty of Arts). Further information can be found on the website of the university: https://www.kuleuven.be/english/living