Our client, an International leader in the Recruitment & Selection sector is looking for a Talent Acquisition Specialist You are in charge of managing the recruitment process for the company You develop a pool of candidates for future needs and built a network You collaborate with Sales Team You hold interviews and challenge candidates technically You analyze the needs within your market and clients You oversee the follow up of your clients and projects Reporting and sourcing Maintaining the database You hold at least a Bachelor Degree A previous experience in HR is required Knowledge in Finance is an asset You speak Dutch and French, English is a plus You are well-organized, f... Sales, Networks, Result Oriented, Customer Oriented, HRIS, Organization Skills, Listening skills, Recruitment, Maintain database, Communication, Talent Acquisition, Reporting, Management, Asset, Finance, Projects, Sourcing, Passion Originele vacature is te vinden op StepStone.be – Maak nu een Jobagent aan op StepStone en vind je droombaan! https://bit.ly/2jPYsZC Vind gelijkaardige jobs, informatie over werkgevers en carrièretips op StepStone.be!
Original job ad is published on StepStone.be - Set up a Jobagent at StepStone now and find your dream job! https://bit.ly/2jPYsZC For similar jobs, information on employers and career tips visit StepStone.be!
La version originale de cette offre d'emploi est disponible sur stepstone.be – Créez maintenant votre Job Agent sur StepStone et trouvez le job de vos rêves ! https://bit.ly/2jPYsZC Trouvez des jobs similaires, des informations sur les employeurs qui recrutent et des conseils de carrière sur stepstone.be!